Discovering Senegal


Probably Senegal isn’t the first idea that comes up to your mind when you are planning a holiday in Africa. Don’t worry, we are here to let you know more about this fantastic nation.

The first advice I can give you about a trip in Senegal is: don’t be scared with malaria, hepatitis, yellow fever, cholera and so on and so forth. Prefer travelling in winter season when the presence of mosquitoes diminishes.

If you are European, Paris is well connected to Dakar and the flight duration is about 5.20 hours. Climate in Senegal is fantastic, just cold at night so you can sleep and sun up to 30 degrees during the day.

To hire a car, if you know how to drive in sand dunes and beaten track, could be useful or you will never see the villages, the thing that is worthwhile the entire holiday.

The official language of Senegal adopted by the Constitution (1971) is french. Amongst many places that are worth a visit I want to mention the Island of Goree, a wonderful set with its gravel alleys, the houses covered with colourful plants of Bougainville. This is also a place where all of the horrors of the past are visible, with slave trade and atrocities. This is well documented in the museum inside the fortress.

Pink Lake is another fascinating surrounding. A lake where waters are of a deep pink due to the high concentration of salt. Here fishermen pull their nets laden with fishes and other people works as extractor of salt.

Langue de Barbarie is a strip made of white sand that separates the ocean from the River Senegal. Here you can have a canoe ride on the river, bathing in these cold waters, seeing all sorts of birds, even the marvellous  white pelicans.

Image Flickr Creative Commons License courtesy by chris nevins