The Griffith Observatory is an icon of Los Angeles, and can be seen as a national leader in public astronomy. Due to this reason, it is one of the region’s most popular attractions.
Located on the southern slope of Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park, it is situated at 1,124 feet above sea level.
The Observatory started as one man’s vision for inspiring people who are fascinated by astronomy, but of course there is more: for example, you have a breathless view of both downtown LA and the Hollywood sign. The architecture of the building is just amazing, with great surrounding landscaping.
The exhibits are well done, especially the new underground exhibit space, and you will definitely enjoy the planetarium shows. There are for all, adults, grown-up and kids, and it is a great chance to see stars, both real and computerized.
There is also a plethora of exhibits inside explaining all the marvels of the universe, physics and space exploration. Astronomy and culture are melted together, giving you a great idea of what our universe is made by.
The Gottlieb Transit Corridor, a calendar that shows you the exact date at solar-midday, which means around 1pm, so you should arrive a little bit early, is something magic, as well as the constellations in the sky.
If you get hungry, don’t worry: the cafè there is delicious and you can choose between a wide variety of food and drinks.
The place is not only is it interesting, but it is massive, beautiful and very educational. It makes for fanatic photographs, and no one will get bored there. It means it is a cool place where to go with your family in order to spend a not ordinary day or afternoon.
For further details about how to reach the place or how to buy on-line tickets, visit the website